英語で川柳 - Senryu in English

英語で川柳 - Senryu in English

日常生活のあれこれを英語の川柳 (3-4-3)にする試み

Gluten Free, except for the, Christmas cake


Gluten free(GF) diet is known to be meaningless unless you are Coeliac disease, but many people choose to be GF believing incorrectly that gluten is bad for you or makes you fat, or just because GF diet sounds cool. There are some of that kind in the hospital as well, and sometimes they claim for non-gluten-free items such as chocolate muffins, saying "I am OK today". But this is a HOSPITAL, not a cafeteria, so once GF is stamped on your medical records, we ought to obey it - no Christmas cake, pudding or mince pie is allowed for you to consume. Sorry about it (a bit mean, ain't I?).