英語で川柳 - Senryu in English

英語で川柳 - Senryu in English

日常生活のあれこれを英語の川柳 (3-4-3)にする試み

Mild start of winter, the brand-new air-con, waits for its day


We have had a new air-conditioner installed yesterday. You may be surprised at that we hadn't had it by now, but in fact there are many households without air-con in Perth, as there aren't too many unbearably hot days or cold days here. However, this year mid May, although it wasn't officially winter yet then, we had freezing cold days. That really made me fear for the upcoming winter and brought to the decision to squeeze out some money from my light wallet to introducing this expensive device. However! Now we are having mild winter days of 25 degrees. I didn't have to hurry at all..