英語で川柳 - Senryu in English

英語で川柳 - Senryu in English

日常生活のあれこれを英語の川柳 (3-4-3)にする試み

How shameless! Bullying healthcare, staff is a crime!


Senryu is supposed to express rather humour or even mild sarcasm, so anger is not very fitting here - but I'm so furious that I cannot help. I read somewhere that in Japan, many hospital workers, who are risking their lives at COVID-19 frontline to care for patients and protect others, are often being bullied, discriminated and harassed by idiots, saying "Go away!", "Stay away from home" or "Don't come to my shop", etc. It's shockingly unbelievable. The medical staff are well trained and practicing infection control carefully, whether COVID or not. Such shameless rude people themselves should be stuck in home if they do such harm! I am working in a hospital, too and realised how lucky I am to live in proud Australia.