英語で川柳 - Senryu in English

英語で川柳 - Senryu in English

日常生活のあれこれを英語の川柳 (3-4-3)にする試み

"Shut up kids!" I can only scream in my heart


I think Aussie youngsters are the worst and noisiest specie in the world - I know I am generalising, but I dare say it today, as I am quite pissed off about the last night's crazy wild party at the next neighbour's backyard. Loud dooof-dooof music, non-stop yelling and tune-deaf unison singing - drove me completely nuts!! I wish I could dash there and yell at them "SHUT THE F@$% UP, bogans!!" But I was too scared of that bunch of drunk beasts so only thing I could do was swearing in my heart.  Anyway, it happens two or three times a year so far..