英語で川柳 - Senryu in English

英語で川柳 - Senryu in English

日常生活のあれこれを英語の川柳 (3-4-3)にする試み

"I'm sorry", easy to say that, when it's not my fault


My job is delivering patient meals in a hospital. There are hundreds of patients to cater, naturally, mistakes can occur sometimes. Most of times those errors are out of my control, but because I am the one who serves, I have to apologise always.
"I'm sorry - that the plating team made a mistake, that your order did not go through, that your nurse forgot to update, that the dietitian did not make it, that our coffee is instant, that you can't find anything you like, and that nothing works for you!!"
But, you know it's not my fault! And that fact makes me easy to apologise anyway.